16 October 24Confirmation du champ d’application de la concurrence déloyale par manquement à la règlementation.Il est désormais bien établi que le non-respect par un agent économique…News, Unfair competition, GDPR
20 March 24Recevabilité de la preuve issue d’une vidéosurveillance illicitePar un arrêt du 14 février 2024, la Cour de cassation confirme…News, GDPR
22 January 24reCAPTACHA – Nouvelle sanction de la CNIL pour manquements au RGPD et à la loi « Informatique et Libertés »Par une délibération du 29 décembre 2023, la CNIL a prononcé une…GDPR
22 November 23Greenwashing : La protection du consommateur comme objectif, entre droit des marques et droit de la consommation.Article paru dans la revue Journal du management juridique n°96 – Octobre/Novembre…Unfair competition, Brands, Brands
15 November 23Avis négatifs sur Internet : comment réagir ?A l’heure actuelle, les avis, commentaires, propos partagés sur Internet, notamment sur…News, Denigration, internet, numérique
July 13, 23ETNA represents its clients before the Unified Patent Jurisdiction (JUB)The launch of the Unified Patent Jurisdiction (JUB) was the subject of…Patents, Entrepreneur, Innovation, Inventors, JUB, EPO
July 11, 23Greenwashing: Beware of misleading practicesIn a context where environmental protection has legitimately become a…Unfair competition, Consumption, Brands
20 February 23Copyright Troll or copyright abuseWe are going to tell you the fantastic story of the Copyright Trolls! No you…Copyright
September 23, 22What financial aid for innovative companies? There are several subsidized intellectual property support schemes. These…Business aid, BPI France, Patents, Contracts, EUIPO, INPI, Brands
August 25, 22The European inventor: a human, not an AIIn the context of procedures J8/20 and J9/20, the Board of Appeal…Patents, Inventors, EPO
October 18, 21The European patent now knows how to simulateIn its decision G 1/19 of 10 March 2021, the Grand Chamber…News, Patentability, Patents, EPO
July 15, 21YUKA, condemned for denigrationOn May 25, 2021, the Paris Commercial Court sentenced…Unfair competition, Denigration
July 15, 21Right to be forgotten versus right to information: the eternal debate The Paris court issued a judgment on June 30…Right to information, Right to be forgotten, Press, GDPR
July 15, 21Russia against French champagne producers: war is declared Friday, July 2, 2021 will be a milestone for champagne producers...News, Controlled designation of origin
6 July 21European Inventor Award 2021, the Pineapple without retirementSince 2006, the European Patent Office organizes each year the prize of…Patents, Entrepreneur, EPO, European Inventor Award
6 July 21New accelerated INPI patent procedure for anti-COVID inventionsBy decision of April 21, 2021 of the director of the INPI, inventions…Patents, covid, Innovation, INPI
16 October 2024Confirmation du champ d’application de la concurrence déloyale par manquement à la règlementation.News, Unfair competition, GDPR
22 January 2024reCAPTACHA – Nouvelle sanction de la CNIL pour manquements au RGPD et à la loi « Informatique et Libertés »GDPR