Responsable juridique d'une ETI

Your company certainly has an internal department made up of patent engineers and/or lawyers specialized in the field of intellectual property and business law.
You build and manage a large portfolio of patents and/or trademarks on a daily basis, which you continue to develop and actively expand in France and around the world.

ETNA, thanks to the experience available to its members during their business activities, as well as to support companies of this size, is fully aware of the level of expectation in terms of services and the permanent budgetary constraints.

We know your constraints:

  • Budget pressure, cost predictability
  • Operational requirements
  • Respect of deadlines
  • Value of intellectual property rights for your company

But we also know your expectations:

  • Knowledge of the market and competitors
  • High level of expertise
  • Adaptability to internal processes
  • Responsiveness to requests
  • Rationalization of costs
  • Strict management of deadlines

This is why ETNA knows that it can offer you specific skills, as well as tools and processes designed to assist you in the management and defense of your portfolio.

  • Surveillance of trademarks, patents and designs
  • Competitive intelligence
  • Carrying out audits
  • Budget planning of costs related to deposits, renewals and future titles.
  • Conducting availability and prior art searches with risk assessment
  • Drafting your patent applications
  • Filing of trademarks, patents and designs and models in France and around the world
  • Drafting legal advice
  • Management of patent annuities and renewal of trademarks
  • Management of pre-litigation: formal notice and letter of undertaking
  • Litigation management: opposition, cancellation, infringement seizure, legal disputes
  • Contractualization of litigation: coexistence agreement, transactional memorandum of understanding
  • Drafting of operating or transfer contracts (license, assignment, co-ownership)

We also know that a company of your size may require training support for its operational staff or its team. ETNA regularly develops dedicated training in perfect knowledge of the specific issues of the company and the challenges of the market.

By entrusting us with your wallet, you will know that it will benefit from our full attention and a maximum level of security.

Our expertise
at the service of SMEs

  • Entrust us with a securities portfolio
  • Entrust us with the drafting of patents (French or English)
  • Set up monitoring strategies
  • Manage litigation
  • Train your teams